Chemins International Business Case Sharing

Time: 2023-11-07

Recently, our company has welcomed two special customers-- AlexandrPetrov and ArsenniPetrov from JSC NPP Automatica Company in Russia. They took valuable time out of their tight schedule and came specifically to visit our company. This is undoubtedly a high recognition and importance for our company.

After the customers arrived, we warmly received them and led them to visit the company.Previously, the customers purchased a batch of dissolved oxygen sensors and turbidity sensors from our company in September this year.Currently, the product is stable in use.The customers highly recognizes the quality of our products.

During the meeting, we had in-depth discussions with the customers regarding the cooperative development of new products for next year.Customers appreciated our company scale, equipment, and team, and highly recognized our products and services.They expressed willingness to further strengthen cooperation between the two parties.

Through this reception, we have established a closer cooperative relationship with foreign clients ,and further demonstrating our determination and confidence in continuously expanding into the international market.We believe that in the future, our company will continue to work together with domestic and foreign customers,and the careers of each other's companies continue to develop.

International Case Sharing

Ⅰ. Indonesian Sewage Monitoring

Monitored Parameters:pH、COD、TSS、Ammonium Nitrogen

Ⅱ. Spanish Agricultural Monitoring

Monitored ParametersConductivitypH